An Open Letter To Caloy Yulo from a ‘Family friend’

Dear Caloy:

The past weeks have been heartbreaking hearing about what has happened to you. The last time I personally saw you was in 2019 at the SEA Games here in Manila and you were pretty much meek and humble.

However, I honestly saw something different from you at that time despite your seemingly kind nature. Regardless, you never heard a word from me and I respected you for who you are. Besides who am I right?

Caloy Yulo [photo by Brian Yalung]
Caloy Yulo [photo by Brian Yalung]

Anyway, I continue to follow your progress and am happy you remain successful in gymnastics. However, I understand that you will eventually find someone to be by your side other than your family.

I am not familiar with your flame and I don’t really intend to find out why. However, the fact that I am close with your family, especially your mom, dad, and sister pains me to find out what has happened since then.

In all, I understand it is all about money. Caloy, I had my issues with my parents about relationships and money. However, I never had the guts to accuse my father or mother of stealing money from me.

Of course, our paths are different. You made your millions from competing. But honestly, how did you get there?

From my understanding, you lived in the shanties or squatter areas as we may call it. Your parents, especially your mom, did their part in supporting your dream.

When you shot to fame, where were the people who are surrounding you now? Would they still be around if you were not a winner? Think about that Caloy.

As sons, we still have an obligation to our families, especially our parents. They make sure that our needs are met and our futures secure. If the money that was allegedly stolen from you is invested in a house or kept securely in a bank, there is a reason.

Carlos Edriel Yulo with his mom at the 2019 SEA Games. [photo by Brian Yalung]
Carlos Edriel Yulo with his mom at the 2019 SEA Games. [photo by Brian Yalung]

It is your fallback in the event your career suddenly goes downhill. If not, it is assurance that in the future, you and your own family will have a worry-free life.

Even if the name of the property is not under you, who will eventually inherit it? Will it not be you?

I understand at your age, you want to spend your money in the manner you want. But before that, think about your future. No person is always at the top and earning millions. No one can tell when that sudden U-turn will happen so don’t take things for granted.

Further, it would be different if your mom and your family used your money for their own gain. To this day, they still reside in the same home where you all started. I don’t see anyone spending lavishly. Instead, I see the same effort they gave you, this time on your younger brothers (who I incidentally heard had to adjust because of you in Japan back in May.)

As for Coach Mune, I am very saddened by what I learned. He is like your second father and looks out for you. Hearing him say that he is leaving the door open for you once you come to your senses is a clear sign of how he loves you. Don’t overlook that.

Remember, it was our parents who brought us into this world. They deserve respect until the very end of their existence and no one should dictate to you the kind of people they are.

Do not exchange years of knowing them for some people whom you met for only a couple of years. They have no idea what your family went through – especially what your parents sacrificed to get you where you are now.

I won’t mention names. You already know who I am pertaining to. It is none of my business and I know you will say that I only know one part of the story.

I don’t intend to meddle or mediate whatever is going on with your life. You are free to love somebody as you please. However, all I ask is to draw the line when it comes to involving your parents and family members.

To end this, look at the photo I took of you at the 2019 SEA Games. It was a photo that touched many people. Hopefully, this can help you reflect on what path you should follow.

Carlos Yulo and his mother, a picture that went viral back in 2019 after Caloy's successful medal haul at the SEA Games [Brian Yalung photo]
Carlos Yulo and his mother, a picture that went viral back in 2019 after Caloy’s successful medal haul at the SEA Games [Brian Yalung photo]

From your family’s friend, Brian Yalung.

Brian Yalung

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