ROTC Games: Bicolana beauty hailed Miss ROTC Luzon champ

Bicolana and ROTCH Army cadet Angel Brahms Malavega Bernarldez (center) beams after being crowned Mis ROTC Luzon champion. Flanking her are Sen. Francis Tolentino (left) and Commission on Higher Education Chairman Prospero de Vera (right). [PSC photo]
September 18, 2023

With the right blend of smarts and personality, Bicolana morena beauty Angel Brahms Malavega Bernarldez topped other entries to emerge as the Miss Reserved Officer Training Corps Luzon champion in the pageant held last Saturday night, September 16, at the Cavite State University International Convention Center.


PSC Chief lauds ROTC Games

Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) chairman Richard Bachmann [PSC photo]
August 14, 2023

Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) chairman Richard Bachmann applauded the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) Games Visayas Regional leg in his opening speech in its opening ceremony on Sunday, August 13, in IloIlo City.